Oct 10, 2008


Hey guys,

I haven't updated in a while due to us running around a lot and me not having ample enough time on the computer to think about blogging. Anyway, everyone is pretty much doing the 'in the wild' thing and are likely to update about that soon. Since I'm sitting here at home however, I think I'll update something before they do, haha. We've seen a multitude of different squares we haven't been too thanks to our student 'adventuring' advisor, Davide- and on tuesday we went and saw Orvieto. It was a nice little medieval town and apparently had the very 'gothic' styled church that inspired Michaelangelo for his paintings. I'm sure I didn't see in the same light as he did, but I got some inspiration while sitting infront of it and painting.
I've been doing well cooking for myself, I love going tot he fresh markets and getting things not only extremly fresh, but also very cheap. The top image is of me making up some breaded salmon and veggies on a whim, it came out pretty good. I think I also experienced the best canoli's of my life yesterday at a place called ciuri ciuri (They also had amazing gelato as well). Aside from food and traveling around here, I hope to get to a travel agent so I can organize my trip to Germany (I'll probably be going alone, but I have to do it or Mr.Tardino will shun me until the end of time >_<). That's pretty much it for now.

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