Nov 1, 2008

Working hard in Rome

We are well into the second half of the semester and the students are working on their art history papers and art projects. But one element that we have every week is site presentations. When we go to see important works of art or architecture the student who has been assigned that piece will give us the key information that we should know as we look at it or just before or after. One of these pictures shows Heather presenting information on Carravaggio. Another shows us relaxing in the garden next to the Borghese Museum where we saw Berninis, Raphaels, Carravaggios, etc. Whew, it's hard work wading through all the excess art and beauty that is Rome.

We are all feeling very much at home here. Everyone especially likes the open air food markets where you can by parmesiano, or buffalo mozzarella, sweet Sicilian grapes or wild boar sausage.

The students have, after much research, found the best gelato shop in Rome. The reward? Gelato!  

1 comment:

S.Lawless said...

I am soooo jealous of all of the absolutely AMAZING art you all are experiencing in person - excited for you - but still jealous. ;) Continue taking it in, as I'm sure it will inspire you for a long time to come, and please continue sharing it with your friends still here at CCAD. I know that I am enjoying living vicariously through each and every one of you!