After our trip to the Appian way and the Catacombes, we visited the baths of Caracalla on the way home. And OK, OK, Ms. Dawson did not take this shot (she is NOT into photography), but Stefano did (he IS into photography). Anyway, these ruins are about the size of the Alps, approximately the size of St. Peter's, staggeringly large. Them Romans were pretty clever with concrete and bricks. This was basically the largest sport facility on earth during its time, and included hot, warm and cold bathing pools, indoor and outdoor exercise/sport areas, restaurants, and other unmentionable activities. Unfortunately, it has been stripped of its marble, so all you can see is the ruined structure holding everything up, with a few ceramic tile floors remaining intact, but it is gargantuan in scale. We also went to a very old nearby church which had excellent frescoes, where they were setting up for a wedding. There are a lot of church weddings in Rome at this time of year.
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